August 4th 2024

The Evidence is Clear
All Scripture points to Jesus Christ!

John 5:31-47

I. The Witnesses (5:31-38)
A. The Holy Spirit (32)
B. The Human- John the Baptist (33-35)
C. The Heavenly Father (37)
1). His Message (38a)
2). His Miracles (38b)
3). His Manifestation (38c)

II. The Word (5:39-40)
A. Search the Scriptures. (39a)
B. See the Savior. (39b)
C. Seek Salvation! (40)

III. The Wandering (5:41-47)
A. Their Poverty (41-42)
B. His Prophecy (43-44)
1) They Rejected Christ (43a)
2) They Received Cons (43b)
3) The Result? The praise of people over the praise of God! (44)
C. His Prophet (45-47)

1). Moses will prosecute them for faithlessness. (45)
2). Moses had prophesied about Jesus Christ. (46-47)

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