January 19th, 2025

Womb to the Tomb

-John 10:10-

Key Point: God values human life that He has created in His image and His likeness. 

John 10:10- The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they would have life, and have it abundantly.

  1. The Liar- Devil (v.10a)

The Devil’s purpose is to get! (Self-serving)

  1. Thief- Steal, Kill, and Destroy
  1. Twists the truth.

I came to give life and to have it abundantly. 

  1. The Life GiverJesus Christ (v.10b)

Jesus’ purpose is to give! (Sacrificial)

  1. Eternal Life
  1. Extraordinary Life

I came to give life and to have it abundantly.

  1. The LighthouseThe Church (v.10c)

The purpose of the church is to glorify God!

  1. Worship- We honor God by joyfully trusting and obeying Him!
  1. Word- We make disciples by teaching and living according to God’s Word!
  1. Witness- We courageously and joyfully share the Gospel to guide others into a relationship with Jesus Christ!

Application: What can we do? 

H hear the person through active listening to understand their story. Don’t listen to respond!

Eempathize with their story and encourage them by providing a new vison of life through grace and forgiveness. 

L love them as they process their decisions or in their pain. Always lift them in prayer! 

P provide them with additional resources with genuine support and friendship. 


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