July 21st 2024

Jesus commanded His people to be merciful because He is merciful.
Therefore, extend mercy and grace to those (even your enemies) you meet on your

John 5:1-14

I. The Scene (5:1-8;11)
A. The Sickness (5:3)
B. The Suffering (5:4)
C. The Stench (5:5)

II. The Savior (5: 6; 5:8; 5:13)
A. His Compassion (5: 6)
B. His Command (5: 8)
C. His Commission (5: 13)

III. The Self-Righteous (5:10-12)
A. Their Disapproval (5: 10)
B. Their Disdain (5: 10b)
C. Their Demand (5: 12)

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