July 7th 2024

Yet Will I Praise You?
Psalm 22

Key Verses: (22:3; 9) Yet You are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel. Yet You brought me safely from my mother’s womb and led me to trust You at my mother’s breast.

I. The Terrible Reality of Calvary (22:1-21)
A. Abandoned by God- (22:1-6)
1. The Hush of God- (22:1-2)
2. The Holiness of God-(22:3)
3. The Holiest of Men- (22:4-6)
B. Abhorred by Men- (22:7-18)
1. The Contempt of Men- (22:7-8
2. The Closeness of God- (22:9-10)
3. The Cruelty of Men- (22:11-17)
4. The Callousness of Men- (22:18)
C. Abused by Satan (22:19-21)

II. The Tremendous Results of Calvary (22:22-31)
A. The Lord as Priest- (22:22-31)
1. His Resurrection-(22:22)
2. His Return-(22:23-26)
a. The Nation of Israel- (22:23-24)
b. The Church of God- (22:25)
c. The Nations of Mankind- (22:26)
B. The Lord as Prince- (22:27-31)
1. He is Praised as King- (22:27-29)
a. Swaying the Nations- (22:27)
b. Sovereign control over the Nations- (22:28)
c. Satisfying the Nations- (22:29)
2. He is Proclaimed King- (22:30-31)

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