January 19th, 2025
Womb to the Tomb
-John 10:10-
Key Point: God values human life that He has created in His image and His likeness.
John 10:10- The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they would have life, and have it abundantly.
- The Liar- Devil (v.10a)
The Devil’s purpose is to get! (Self-serving)
- Thief- Steal, Kill, and Destroy
- Twists the truth.
I came to give life and to have it abundantly.
- The Life Giver– Jesus Christ (v.10b)
Jesus’ purpose is to give! (Sacrificial)
- Eternal Life
- Extraordinary Life
I came to give life and to have it abundantly.
- The Lighthouse– The Church (v.10c)
The purpose of the church is to glorify God!
- Worship- We honor God by joyfully trusting and obeying Him!
- Word- We make disciples by teaching and living according to God’s Word!
- Witness- We courageously and joyfully share the Gospel to guide others into a relationship with Jesus Christ!
Application: What can we do?
H– hear the person through active listening to understand their story. Don’t listen to respond!
E– empathize with their story and encourage them by providing a new vison of life through grace and forgiveness.
L– love them as they process their decisions or in their pain. Always lift them in prayer!
P– provide them with additional resources with genuine support and friendship.